A Message To Our Volunteers


Although National Volunteer Week has come to an end, here at Habitat we like to thank our volunteers every chance we get! Our volunteers are the foundation of our organization. From picking up a hammer, unloading trucks in a ReStore warehouse, or designing new advertisements, our volunteers are there every step of the way as we work to build affordable homes for local families in need. Here are some messages from leadership at Habitat to our valued volunteers.

“You are the reason that we can continue to grow and expand to help more families than we’ve ever helped before. By giving these families a hand-up, we’re working together to change the lives of these families and more for generations to come.” — John Gerrard, CEO, Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga

“In 2016, your donations directly supported more than 1,300 families around the world through a variety of housing solutions, including new construction, home improvements and community support services. In total, more than 6,700 people were directly served through interventions such as homebuilding, home repairs and renovations, community infrastructure improvements and training programs. Every family you’ve helped has a personal story of how their lives have been changed for the better through Habitat’s work.” — Mark Rodgers, President and CEO, Habitat for Humanity Canada

“With your help, Habitat for Humanity homeowners are able to overcome the barriers that so often exist between their families and better, healthier and more financially stable lives. It’s imperative that our work continue to grow, and that growth begins with your continued generous support. I thank you for sharing our vision of a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live and for everything you do to make it a reality for more families every day.” — Jonathan T.M. Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International

Whether you’ve been with us for years or have just joined the team, thank you for everything that you do for our organization, our families and our community. If you’re not a Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga volunteer and want to get involved, click here!