In 2015, Mike Butler sat down at his kitchen table with his friend Ronald Chan, and worked out a plan to start their own electrical contracting business. Four years later, Amplistic has built a solid reputation as a reliable source for all electrical contracting needs. Whether the project is big or small, residential or commercial, they have the expertise and experience to get the job done. Their customer service is built on the foundation of being fully accountable to their clients, and they pride themselves on consistently going the extra mile. Mike Butler, co-owner states, “We wear our hearts on our sleeves. We’re honest and we do good work, and we try to help out anywhere we can.”
Their website sums up their corporate philosophy – Electrical contracting made simple.
Amplistic is walking the talk and putting that mantra to the test by helping Habitat HM solve the problem of installing the electrical for 18 units at their Crew-Goetz Landing build site. They have not only donated their services and provided the labour for this massive project, but have also asked their wholesale partners to cut the costs of all the electrical supplies needed to complete the job.
With the help of Amplistic’s contributions, Habitat will be able to complete the construction of these homes, on time and under budget, helping to ensure the building of more homes for more families. “Habitat is helping the community and offering something to those who are less fortunate than most. At Amplistic, we want to be involved with something like that, and not just for the short-term. We were hoping to help make a difference.”
And as if this wasn’t enough, they also support our new Handyman Program by cutting costs, to help participating homeowners in need of quality, certified electrical work.
“We wear our hearts on our sleeves. We’re honest and we do good work, and we try to help out anywhere we can.”

The concept of lending a hand to others is not a new one for Mike. Growing up he learned the importance of giving back to the community by witnessing his parent’s example. Volunteering their time, his mother worked in the local soup kitchen providing much needed warm meals to those lacking sufficient food, while his Father donated his time to local youth as a coach, teaching skills and sportsmanship. Additionally, every year Mike’s family would collect food, toys and clothing to generously donate to local families, helping to ensure that the recipients of these items would truly feel the spirit of Christmas. It has become a tradition that continues today.
Amplistic partnered with Habitat because it was a great opportunity to give back. Mike reflects on what he would say to the new homeowners of the Crew-Goetz project. “It’s important to pay it forward. Do your best to pay it back… whether it’s shovelling your neighbour’s driveway, donating something, or even donating your time.”
Describing what the experience of working with Habitat HM has been like, he adds, “We work well together, it feels like a family.” Mike, the feeling is mutual and we thank you for being a part of our Habitat family.
Follow this link and donate to help the project Amplistic is supporting, our 18 affordable units being built on Queensway Drive in Burlington. For more information about Amplistic, head to their website.