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2022 Ontario Municipal Elections

Ontario Municipal & School Board Elections

Municipal council and school board elections will take place on Monday, October 24, 2022.

To participate, you need to be on the voter’s list to vote in a municipal council or school board election.

To find out if you’re on the list to vote for municipal council and school board elections at

For voters

The voters’ list will be prepared on September 1, 2022. If you want to add, remove, or change your listed information on or after September 1, you must contact your municipal clerk.

2022 Ontario Municipal Candidates

Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga-Dufferin would like to congratulate all municipal candidates on your decision to run in the 2022 Municipal elections!

Like the recent federal and provincial elections, the housing crisis remains a focal point for all levels of government to address in their campaigns. Habitat would like to continue the dialogue in Ontario’s municipal elections on affordable and attainable housing solutions.

At Habitat for Humanity, we believe everyone has the right to a safe and decent place to live and that it benefits all of society when they do. That’s why we are looking Beyond the Build, recognizing how decent housing can transform futures, strengthen communities, and foster resiliency and stability that can transcend generations.

All four levels of government must work together to ensure funding for the full continuum of affordable housing is accessible and expedited and that building processes and rules foster the growth of long-term affordable housing options.

Habitat for Humanity urges all municipal candidates to take action and make affordable housing a priority. Affordable homeownership and other equity-building housing models must be mandated as part of the solution in our local communities.

Many of the programs are also targeted at youth and historically under-represented populations in the skilled trades, including women, Indigenous people, immigrants and refugees.

If you would like to learn more about Habitat’s Housing Programs and our advocacy work, please contact us. We look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you about how we can work together to tackle the housing crisis in the communities we serve.