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Habitat redefines the meaning of family with Bett-Knowlton Project

After two years of proposals, applications, meetings, agreements, and construction – The Bett-Knowlton Build Project in Acton is complete.

Bett-Knowlton, like so many other great projects, began with an idea. Two years ago, our affiliate made the decision to change our definition of family beyond the traditional idea of two parents and children. If our vision truly was to help everyone have a safe and decent place to live, then we would have to change a somewhat outdated idea of a family. At our affiliate, we understand families come in all shapes and sizes. We believe your family is made up of the people with whom you share your shelter, comfort, and security.

This shift in philosophy has changed everything about how we build homes. Habitat HM wants to see everyone have a safe and decent place to live. Single parents, senior citizens, those with special needs or disabilities. Everyone deserves the chance to live in the dignity and comfort of a place they call their own.

We began reaching out to other local not-for-profits to see who would be interested in working together on a build project. Community Living North Halton was interested in seeing how we could work together to help people in the community, and a new partnership was born.

This partnership is the first of its kind for Habitat Halton-Mississauga, and because of this, we have created a home for adult men with autism and their care workers. The house has been retrofitted to suit their accessibility needs, with walk-in showers, and a wheelchair ramp at the front door. The home also addresses the emotional needs of the family, providing a family structure that will promote socialization, support and structure in each family member’s life. This home will allow our family members to live their lives in safety, comfort and happiness. The Bett-Knowlton Build Project is a culmination of our partnership with CLNH, alongside the amazing support from the Acton community.

Bett-Knowlton would have never been possible without the support from local businesses and community partners in Acton. When our build was delayed, it was you who helped us over the line with your support and generous donations. This build is a huge accomplishment for our affiliate. The success of this project, in our eyes, opens the door to so many new possibilities in the future. With the continued support of the community, local businesses and politicians, there’s no telling what we can accomplish together in Acton, and across Region of Halton.

But before we turn our sights to new projects, we must take the time to celebrate the incredible achievement that is this new home.

Join us on May 25th from 11 am – 1 pm at 92 Mill Street West in order to welcome our new family into their home.

Follow this link to our Eventbrite page and RSVP for this momentous occasion.